Hey there,

I’m Lise 

Journalist, Copywriter & Creative


Let’s face it, there’s a lot of content out there. You might need a hand at standing out. That’s where I come in (hi 👋🏻)

Words are my schtick.

Whether it’s a punchy op-ed or a clued-in beauty breakdown. A news explainer or some eye-catching copy. From interviews and profiles to educational resources, I know how to resonate with readers in alignment with brand voice.

With a special knack for weaving the heart into humour (and vice versa), I’m passionate about content that resonates on diverse levels.


I wordsmith for social media, advertising campaigns, video and radio scripts, brand tone of voice, email and products.

Peek My Articles

Culture & Op-Ed

Beauty & Lifestyle

News Stories

Sponsored Articles


Don’t be shy - say hi!